Skin Care Basics

Confused about what you should include in your skincare? After surfing through so much information on the internet and social media, it becomes rather difficult to decide and maintain a skincare routine. So, this article will help you get straight to the basics and build a minimal yet complete skincare routine for you.

Get to know your skin type - first and foremost, before you begin buying your skincare range; know what your skin type is. To do this, simply wash your face with a gentle cleanser and wait for 30 minutes. If your skin looks shiny all over, with pores evident on your nose and cheeks - you have oily skin. If it feels stretchy over the cheeks and slightly rough - mostly dry skin. If there is no scaling and also not shiny enough you have a normal skin type.

Your skincare regimen depends on your skin type. If you have dry skin - the aim is to build up your hydration level, avoid exfoliating your skin too much, and maintain the skin barrier. Hence, the cleanser used should be creamy and gentle on the skin. Instead, if you have oily skin the aim would be to avoid clogging of pores, exfoliating timely while maintaining your skin barrier.

Now that you know your skin type, let's take a look at the essential steps to be included in your skincare routine. Three basic and necessary steps for a skincare routine are - cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting. Other steps - exfoliants, night serums, toners, and essences are optional and depend on your skin concerns. These are better  used after consulting your dermatologist, as overusing or using the wrong product can cause side effects like redness, scars, and color changes on the skin which might or might not be reversible.


Choosing the right type of cleanser as per your skin type is vital and forms the foundation of skincare. If you have oily to combination skin, using a gel-based cleanser with one of the exfoliants helps in preventing the build-up of oil and dead skin, hence preventing clogged pores and acne. For dry and sensitive skin, choose a creamy, gentle cleanser; if you have normal or combination skin you can go for a creamy face wash instead.

Now, how many times should you be washing your face? Well, washing your face twice a day does the job of keeping it clean. If you are hitting the gym or outdoor runs or you are getting sweaty due to the heat, you may wash once in the afternoon. But overwashing can lead to stripping of the skin barrier, so avoid repeated washing and always apply a moisturizer after you wash.


Applying a moisturizer quickly after patting dry the face, when the skin is slightly moist, helps in locking the hydration for a longer period. If you have oily skin, choose something lightweight on the skin like a creamy-gel type of moisturizer, and for dry skin choose a creamier moisturizer and be sure to read the label of the moisturizer as 'non-comedogenic'.


Sun rays (including UV rays) exposure leads to significant changes in our skin - it can lead to tanning, dark patches (melasma), loss of collagen, wrinkles, and faster aging. Using sunscreen to protect our skin should become second nature regularly, regardless of the weather. Sunscreen should be applied on top of moisturizer, forming a thick, uniform layer on top, and make sure to repeat your sunscreen every 3 hours till 4 pm. For Indian skin, a sunscreen with an SPF value of 30 and PA +++ with water resistance would be enough to protect the skin against UV damage. A recent breakthrough in the sunscreen industry has been tinted sunscreens, which provide that make-up-like look with adequate protection eliminating the need to put on daily make-up and also providing the benefit of indoor light protection.


Using physical exfoliants is not something a dermatologist would ever advise you, as the particles in scrubs when rubbed against the facial skin are just too harsh for your skin to handle. Instead, you can indulge in using a chemical exfoliant, which should address your major concern on the face. It is advisable to seek the help of your dermatologist to choose the right molecule required for your skin concern. Chemical exfoliations done at clinics help in maintaining skin glow, and freshness and treat acne, dark spots, or marks. Ask your dermatologist more about it.

Good skin and hair are not only about a good skincare routine, glowing skin reflects your inner health status. A pale-looking skin might be indicative of low iron stores in your blood or if your skin looks dark over your neck that actually signifies that your body is developing resistance to the action of insulin and you need to start working out.

A healthy diet and workout routine contribute a lot to luminous skin and shiny, thick-growing hair.

By incorporating these basic steps into your routine you will be on your way to healthier, happier skin. Remember, consistency is the key - to start pampering your skin from today.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general patient information and is not intended for self medication. There is no legal liability of IADVL arising out of any adverse consequence to the patient. Subsequent to its use for self treatment of the disease images adjust for the depiction of the condition and is not to be used for any other purpose.