Everyday Skin Care

Routine skincare focuses on keeping it clean, balanced, protected, and free from irritation. Daily skincare increases skin elasticity and regeneration, thus improving overall skin well-being.

Before diving into a skincare routine, let us take a moment to recognize and comprehend your skin type. The most widely used method is the Baumann Skin type indicator (BSTI), which divides the skin as follows;

  • Oily or dry

  • Sensitive or resistant

  • Pigmented or non-pigmented

  • Wrinkled or tight

Crafting an effective skincare routine requires customization to accommodate individual factors such as age, skin type, and any underlying skin conditions.

Ever wondered about the skincare secrets dermatologists swear by to keep their skin glowing? Here, dermatologists spill the beans on essential skincare tips they not only recommend to their patients but also personally use themselves.

Use a good cleanser:

Many of the environmental impurities and cosmetic products are not water soluble, so washing the skin with simple water would not be sufficient to remove them. This is where a reliable cleanser steps in to effectively remove these impurities. A fine balance needs to be maintained between skin cleansing and the preservation of its properties.

A decent cleanser need to be gentle, offer hydrating properties, and be readily removed with water. While selecting a cleanser, choose one based on your skin type. Synthetic detergents (Syndet) and lipid-free cleansers have the least irritancy potential.

In people with dermatological disorders and sensitive skin, gentle cleansing is important. It is better to avoid classic soaps and cleansers containing alcohol, astringents, and abrasives. A nonionic, fragrance-free dermatologic bar or liquid cleanser with good rinsability is the preferred cleanser. Liquid body washes are more convenient as well as more hygienic than the wash bar.

It is recommended to cleanse your face twice daily - once in the morning upon waking and again before bedtime. Additionally, it's important to cleanse after sweating or being exposed to environmental pollutants. The cleansing regimen should suit the needs of the individual patient. Dermatologists can enhance the overall management of various skin disorders by advising on how to adjust cleansing regimens to best suit the skin needs and achieve optimal results.

Address your primary skin concern:

Active ingredients are formulated to address specific skin concerns and enhance overall skin health. Depending on your skin concerns, such as acne, dark spots, wrinkles, and pigmentation, you can select specific active ingredients to incorporate into your skincare routine.

If pigmentation is your main concern, consider incorporating active ingredients such as vitamin C, niacinamide, arbutin, or kojic acid into your skincare routine. These ingredients are highly effective in reducing pigmentation and promoting an even skin tone.

AHA products effectively remove dead skin cells, dirt, and oil build-up, allowing active ingredients to penetrate deeply and work. BHAs can enhance hydration and promote a more even skin tone. BHA products also reduce the appearance of blemishes and unclog pores.

Retinol has been clinically proven to speed up cellular turnover while slowing down the breakdown of collagen in the skin. This results in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, ultimately improving the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

It's crucial to consider the timing of product application and maintain separate morning and evening skincare routines.  Layering skincare products in the correct order is indeed important for optimal results. Starting with lighter products like serums allows them to penetrate the skin more effectively.

Following up with heavier products like creams and lotions. It is always best to start from a pea-sized dosage and regularly build it up. Never forget to seal in the previous layers with a good moisturizer to provide additional hydration and nourishment to the skin.

Do not combine two or more acids within the same session, resulting in severe irritation. Similarly, certain combinations will render one or more ingredients ineffective. Exercise caution when trying products on acne-prone or sensitive skin as these could potentially cause irritation or exacerbate acne. Before trying out active skincare ingredients, always consult a dermatologist who can assess your skin and recommend the most effective options tailored to your needs.

Moisturize your skin:

Hydration smoothens the skin surface and also makes the skin soft, more flexible, and adaptable. Including a quality moisturizer in your skincare routine is essential. Various formulations of moisturizers are available in the market. A gel is water-based and tends to feel lighter on the skin than a lotion. A cream is thicker and has higher oil content than a lotion and gel, making it more hydrating. An ointment is the thickest of all, making it the most effective in remedying dry skin.

Choosing the right moisturizer depends on your skin type and the severity of dryness you are experiencing.

  • Normal skin: If you’re experiencing seasonal dryness in otherwise normal skin, lotion is sufficient for most younger people. However, as you age, the skin holds less moisture; thus, elderly people should use a cream-based moisturizer.

  • Dry skin: If your skin tends to be dry, flaky, itchy, or rough, creams are going to add more moisture to the skin and preserve more water

  • Oily skin: For people with shiny and greasy skin, too much moisturizer can clog pores and lead to acne. It is suggested to skip moisturizer altogether or choose a lighter option like gel, which is less heavy than other moisturizers.

  • Combination skin: If your skin is dry in some areas and oily in others, moisturize the dry spots and skip the oily areas.

For optimal hydration, apply moisturizer immediately after showering or wetting your skin. Moisturizers are more effective when applied to damp skin, as they help trap moisture and prevent evaporation, keeping the skin well-hydrated. Pay attention to your skin's needs and remain flexible in adapting your routine, particularly when transitioning between seasons. An ideal moisturizer should have some attributes such as being hypoallergenic, non-sensitizing, fragrance-free, and non-comedogenic. It should be absorbed immediately, providing immediate hydration, and is cosmetically acceptable.

You need to choose moisturizers depending on the site of application

Facial moisturizers: facial moisturizers play a distinct role in daily skincare routines. They're formulated to be non-greasy and non-comedogenic, prioritizing aesthetics and delivering maximum skin benefits. Silicone-based derivatives are particularly suitable for oily skin types. Additional ingredients may be incorporated to minimize excess shine, including oil-absorbing compounds such as kaolin and talc. Prioritize elements like ceramides and hyaluronic acids, which are known for their exceptional moisturizing properties.

Body and hand-feet moisturizers: They are mostly aimed at prevention as well as treatment of dry skin, eczema, and xerosis. Body moisturizers are typically heavier with thicker emollients for protection and hydration. It contains ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, lanolin, alpha hydroxy acids, urea, and lactic acids. After rubbing the moisturizer in both palms, it should be lightly applied along the direction of the hair follicles. Depending on the severity of xerosis, the recommended frequency of application may vary from 1 to 3 times daily, especially after a bath.

Strict sun protection:

It's essential to safeguard your skin from the sun's harmful rays by seeking shade when possible, wearing sun-protective clothing, and consistently applying broad-spectrum sunscreen. These practices should be integrated into your daily routine, irrespective of your skin tone.  For the best protection, apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to all skin not covered by clothing.

Since no sunscreen can block 100% of the sun’s UV rays, it’s also important to seek shade and wear sun-protective clothing when outdoors, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection, when possible. Like any other skincare product, you should use a sunscreen formulated for your skin type. If you have oily acne-prone skin, look for a non-comedogenic gel-based sunscreen. Women with darker skin tones may prefer tinted sunscreen options. Many tinted sunscreens are formulated to avoid leaving a white cast on the skin.

Chemical, physical, and hybrid sunscreen are available. They all form a protective layer on your skin that absorbs or reflects the sun’s rays. If the active ingredient in your sunscreen is titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or both, you have a physical sunscreen. Dermatologists recommend physical sunscreens, also called mineral sunscreens, for people with sensitive skin and children. Sunscreen use should be avoided in babies younger than 6 months.

Sunscreen should be applied on the skin after other skin care products and beneath your makeup. Always remember to apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors.  It should be reapplied every 2 hours, and after swimming, vigorous activity, excessive perspiration, or toweling. The amount of product applied is also important for obtaining adequate sun protection. Apply enough sunscreen to cover all skin not covered by clothing.  Incorporate the habit of applying a lip balm containing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before venturing outdoors. For chapped or dry lips, consider using petroleum jelly to enhance moisture.

Approach skincare trends on social media with caution:

Numerous self-proclaimed social media "skin-care experts" lack qualifications, with the majority of dermatologic advice on these platforms being provided by non-dermatologists. Consequently, dermatologic guidance found on social media is prone to misinformation or false claims, and often includes promotional or sponsored content, potentially misleading the patients. One skin problem that dermatologists frequently treat is the damage done by overusing products people see on social media.

Social media often tries to convince you that there’s a ‘quick fix’ to skin problems. But the reality is that it takes much longer to see any results. Skincare is deeply personal. While influencers and others may promote products based on their own experiences, it's crucial to remember that what works for one person may not be suitable for everyone. We often forget the fact that different people have different skin types.

Certain skincare trends observed on social media have the potential to cause more harm than good. To get helpful skin care advice, follow a board-certified dermatologist on social media. To identify us visit the IADVL website and use the search feature to find a dermatologist near you.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle:

Keeping your skin looking its best requires more than a skincare routine. Good skin is partly due to our genes. But there is a lot we can do to keep our skin looking its best and help our skin function at its healthiest as we age.

Nutrition: Eating a balanced nutritional diet, rich in antioxidants, proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals is important for optimal skin health and function. The key dietary advice is to diversify your food choices. No single food or food group can provide all the nutrients necessary for optimal skin and overall health. Try to minimize processed food and refined sugars.

Adequate hydration: Healthy skin needs good hydration. For better hydration. strive to consume 2-3 liters of fluids per day in any form, with a focus on avoiding sugary drinks. Choosing water-rich foods will help keep your skin hydrated and have added antioxidant benefits.

Quit smoking and alcohol: Smoking speeds up the normal aging process of your skin and too much alcohol can dry out your skin, thus more likely to develop wrinkles.

Be active:  Exercise promotes cell growth, which is crucial for skin health. It aids in replacing old and damaged skin cells with new, healthy ones, enhancing the overall appearance and texture of your skin. A good exercise routine will improve blood flow to the surface of the skin and will give your skin a glow.

Prioritize relaxation and ensure enough sleep: Too much stress can affect your skin health. make regular time for relaxation. You need a sound sleep to prevent your skin from looking older and tired.

A successful skincare routine adapts to your needs.  Despite the allure of new trends and products, consistency is key to achieving results. Patience is essential, as visible improvements require time and dedication.

If you’re unsure about which products to include in your routine, a board-certified dermatologist can recommend products and a routine tailored to your specific needs.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general patient information and is not intended for self medication. There is no legal liability of IADVL arising out of any adverse consequence to the patient. Subsequent to its use for self treatment of the disease images adjust for the depiction of the condition and is not to be used for any other purpose.