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What is eczema?

Eczema means to boil. It is a skin rash caused due to reaction to internal or external agents. It is  caused by damage to the skin barrier. Dermatitis and eczema both belong to the same group of disorders.

There are three phases of eczema. An acute phase where the skin is red, oozing and has fluid filled lesions. A chronic phase where it is dry, dull and thickened with cracks and a subacute phase that shows  features of both.

What are the types of eczema?

Eczemas caused bysubstancesoutside the body

  • Allergic contact eczema (Occurs due to dust ,pollen, jewelry, hair products, and cosmetics etc)

  • Dermatophytid (Allergy to fungal infections like ringworm/yeast)

  • Eczematous polymorphic light eruption (Rashes on the neck, face and forearms may indicate an  allergy to sunlight)

  • Infective dermatitis (these occur after bacterial infections)

  • Irritant eczema (these are caused by irritants like dishwashing soap, disinfectants, sanitizer)

  • Photoallergic contact eczema (in this disorder substances applied on the skin interact with the  sunlight and cause eczema)

  • Post‐traumatic eczema (These occur after injuries)

Endogenous eczemas

  • Asteatotic eczema (This occurs in dry skin, especially in patients on cholesterol controlling  drugs)

  • Atopic eczema (This is a genetic condition which affects the skin barrier allowing allergy  causing substances to activate the immune system and give an exaggerated response everytime after exposure)

  • Eyelid eczema, Hand eczema, Juvenile plantar dermatosis: these are eczemas confined to a specific part of the body

  • Nummular dermatitis (these are discrete round patches on the skin)

  • Pityriasis Alba (these are light colored patches often seen on the faces of children)

  • Metabolic eczema or eczema associated with systemic disease (these occur in patients who  have hormonal conditions or long-standing disorders of the liver and kidney)

  • Seborrhoeic eczema (this occurs on the scalp and other hair bearing areas)

  • Venous eczema (occurs in patients with varicose veins, seen commonly on legs)

What is childhood eczema?

In children eczema may occur as cradle cap involving the scalp. In atopic children, the cheeks  and neck may be involved. The area around the mouth is involved if saliva or food dribbles. If the child sucks their thumb, lesions can occur on the hands as well. As the child begins to crawl  the rash shifts to the elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. When the child starts to walk, the rash moves to the fold like the front of the elbows and the back of the knees and around the neck.
Special types of eczema such as Pityriasis alba, Pompholyx (blisters on the palms and soles) can  be seen. There may be a reduction in the symptoms as the child grows up and the barrier improves. In severe cases the entire body may be involved and needs immediate medical attention.

Adult dermatitis

Adult atopic may continue in the flexural pattern(as that of school going children )or become diffuse. Loss of eyebrow hair, folds under the eyes, raised black bumps on the skin are all clues to atopic dermatitis. Some  occupations that expose one to cement, pollen, sawdust, or cleaning agents may lead to specific patterns of dermatitis on the hands, feet or uncovered areas of the body. Certain medications can  also worsen symptoms.

What can one do to improve symptoms in atopic dermatitis?

  • Wet wiping and mopping instead of dry dusting the home.

  • Frequent washing of sheets and curtains.

  • Use cotton clothes and avoid wool or synthetic blends.

  • Have seeds, nuts and oily fish only if you are not allergic.

  • Consult a dermatologist for advice on how to clean and moisturise your skin and to test  for specific allergies.

  • Do not self-medicate.

  • Earlier treatment and long term follow up has better long-term outcomes.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general patient information and is not intended for self medication. There is no legal liability of IADVL arising out of any adverse consequence to the patient. Subsequent to its use for self treatment of the disease images adjust for the depiction of the condition and is not to be used for any other purpose.