Laser Hair Reduction


  • Unwanted hair growth is a common aesthetic problem both in men and women.

  • The demand for safe, long-lasting, and effective hair reduction for aesthetic as well as medical indications is on the rise. 

  • Laser hair reduction (LHR) is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in dermatological practice.

  • It has gained popularity because it is safe, non-invasive, provides long-term results with minimal discomfort.

How does LHR work?

  • Laser Hair Reduction functions on the principle of selective photothermolysis with melanin as its target. This means the melanin in the hair follicle absorbs the laser energy and gets heated up.

  • This causes the destruction of the hair and its root.

  • Since the target is only melanin, the rest of the skin components are unaffected by the treatment.

Who can get LHR done?

  • Women with systemic diseases such as PCOS causing  excessive hair growth over face

  • Cosmetic purposes

  • Medical indications like pseudofolliculitis barbae, pilonidal sinus, and acne keloidalis nuchae

Who cannot get LHR done?

  • Pregnant and lactating women

  • Site with active infection

  • Patients with keloidal tendency.

  • Patients with vitiligo and psoriasis(Risk of Koebnerization)

  • We cannot do LHR over tattoo

Procedure of Laser Hair Reduction treatment?

  • First the area to be treated is examined and marked.

  • The hair is shaved from the treatment area 

  • Cleanse the area to remove any skincare/cosmetic products properly before the treatment.

  • Eye protection is given to the patient

  • A cooling gel is applied to the skin

  • Laser is applied for the appropriate time

  • Gel is removed

  • Ice or cooling is applied

  • Sunscreen is applied 

How to prepare for the laser treatment?

  • Avoid waxing, bleaching or tweezing hair over the treatment area.

  • Avoid UV exposure at least seven days before treatment to avoid tanning or sunburn.

  • Avoid tanning or bleaching products over the area to be treated.

  • Avoid chemical peels or other laser procedures at the target area at least 2 weeks before treatment.

  • Avoid applying harsh skin products before the procedure.

  • An individual must wait for 14 days if they have had any cosmetic procedures like dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections in the target area.

  • People having cold sores or prone to cold sores are advised to take anti-viral medications before the treatment (as per doctor’s prescription).

After Laser Hair Reduction

  • In case of any major side effects, immediately contact your skin doctor.

  • Do not pluck, bleach, or wax in between the sessions; however, one can shave the target area.

  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications or anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Limit sun exposure and apply sunscreen religiously.

  • Do not opt for any cosmetic or plastic surgery until all the sessions are completed. 

  • Apply ice-packs on experiencing itching, irritation, or redness.

  • Do not apply makeup immediately after the procedure.

What are the other tests needed before LHR?

  • In women with excessive hair over the face, hormonal evaluation is recommended.

  • If there is any hormonal problem, medical treatment of the hormonal problem has to complement the laser treatment

How long does it take to see results?

Significant reduction in hair numbers and thickness are observed even after the first session. However, best results are seen after 6-8 sessions. 

Disclaimer: This article is only for general patient information and is not intended for self medication. There is no legal liability of IADVL arising out of any adverse consequence to the patient. Subsequent to its use for self treatment of the disease images adjust for the depiction of the condition and is not to be used for any other purpose.

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